Interactive Tool

Sales & Marketing Tech Stack Audit

Here's Your Template!

You made a great choice to download Denamico's Tech Stack Audit template.

You'll be able to help your organization identify opportunities for efficiency and cost savings plus how you can better integrate your tech stack for scalability. 

How it Works

Get Started Using the Tech Stack Audit Template in 4 Steps

Setup your Tech Stack Audit Document

  • Create copy of the Tech Stack Audit by Denamico template
    • We recommend using within Google Sheets because formulas are used to calculate different elements throughout the template
  • Update the name of the document
  • Enter your company name on the Overview Tab
    • This will automatically populate on the other 2 tabs
  • If you have any company-specific questions, add them in the “Other” column on each tab.
    • We don't recommend adding too many extra questions. Be brief.
💡 Pro Tip: We format our spreadsheets so that any cells you need to enter information into is white. Any cells with a colored background are not meant to be edited

Input your Information on the Audit tab

  • Gather your key stakeholders and share the document with them
  • Navigate to your department's section and using the checkbox select the tech systems you currently use
  • Fill in the other columns with the information you know and find the information you don’t know
  • If you have other systems or platforms you use but there isn’t a specific category:
    • Insert a new row then copy and paste one of the “Other” rows
    • By doing this, you’ll ensure the formulas are kept in place
  • Once all stakeholders have added their information, you can move on to the Analysis tab

Start your Analysis

  • Add each individual system or tool from the Audit tab into a row
  • Complete the remainder of the columns.
💡Pro Tip: This is a great spot for collaboration on how to increase value or find efficiencies within your tech stack!

Review the Overview

Now that you’ve audited your tech stack, completed the analysis, you have a snapshot of your tech stack in one place!

We suggest completing the Recommendations, Highlights, and Notes section. Then share with leadership to determine next steps.

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